Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Wonderful Wednesday Tutor Time - Preparing for the Year 11 Entry Exams...

Dear Year 10

What did you think about yesterdays assembly?

How amazing that a deaf girl can learn to speak and be so driven to do so very well.

Once Zac has done our weekly 'Uniform Police' and 'Equipment Check' we can start to focus our minds on the Year 11 Entry Exams.

This is week 24.  Only 16 weeks before this year is done.  For year 11 they only have 5 weeks of lessons left and 5 weeks to revise before their first exams before the May half term in 2020 and after the May half term before their longest summer holiday ever.

Anyway here is your first resource to get you in the right frame of mind for the next chapter in your GCSE journey.

Surrounding yourself with the right support and building capacity to do more than just cope!


Does anyone remember this - The 7 Habits of a Successful Person

Happy Wednesday

Mr T

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