
Monday, 4 February 2019

Tycoon in School is back so what business will you launch in 2019?

To all those students in Year 7,8,9 and 10 who have always wondered why the curriculum does not teach you how to:

1. Write a business plan
2. Advise you on how to set up and run your own business,
3. Support your business with much needed finance

so focus your mind with the attached link below:

You will need to register online before you can access both of the links above so shout if you need any help.

The deadline for the Business Plan entry is 15th February and Peter Jones and his team will decide if they think your idea is worth the investment over half term.

These two budding entrepreneurs
Ruby & Niamh were last years KS3 Winners
Could you be winners this year

Their full press release can be read here 
and a link to their business idea is here

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