
Friday, 25 May 2018

P8 Demonstrate how the functionality, accessibility and usability of the website created meets the needs of a selected business.

Dear Year 12

P8 this is the last task for Unit 14.  Well done to those that have worked so hard this term and are about ready to create the evidence to achieve this.

Can I suggest that you create the evidence for this is a presentation with you demonstrating how it works and what's included.  It is not necessary to do a PowerPoint or create a document with print screens but it is important that it includes all the features and pages required .

To achieve M5 you will need to gather feedback from members of the class so that you can assess the suitability of what you have created.  Use the checklist below or make your own.

To achieve D4 you then need to make recommendations about how you will make changes to improve the functionality, accessibility and the usability of your response to the feedback you have achieved.  Clearly the more feedback you receive the better your recommendations will be.  There is no requirement to modify your website but you can if you wish as long as you have identified why any changes would benefit the website that you have created. A suggested checklist of things that you can gain feedback on is listed below but you can add your own criteria to this:
  • What is the resolution like
  • How effective is it at informing new and potential customers of products and services offered
  • IS the content exciting, interesting to read or a little dull?
  • Is the website presentation professional and promoting the brand image of the business.
  • Is it easy to navigate around the site and return to the home page?
  • How easy is it to use?
  • How accessible is it on many different platforms?
  • Does it perform equally as well on a desktop, tablet and smartphone?
  • Does It meet your client brief and how?
  • Does it meet the purpose for which it was created
  • What needs to be changed to the website to make it function better, function on more platforms and improve its usability   
That's it.  As soon as all the work for the other units is completed to a PASS plus and you have achieved a MERIT on unit 1 if you did not secure a level 2 PASS from the finance unit you have finished this BTEC level 2 Business course.

I have to say it has been a pleasure to see you grow throughout the year and remain determined and focussed on achieving success.  I hope that the next stage in your education and career brings the rewards and happiness that you deserve and that you reflect on how success always comes from hard work and determination, developing your skills and knowledge and pushing yourself to be the best that you can be.

All best wishes and lets see if we can finish this unit and course soon after half term

Mr T  

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