
Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Unit 4 Customer Service in Travel & Tourism - P1,P2, M1 & D1 - Aiming for excellence

Dear Year 12

The assignment sheet is now on the shared drive with supporting power points to support.

P1 is really looking at you understanding the importance of providing excellent customer service and getting your head around what's its all about.

What does customer service mean to you?

  • Its all about the first impressions. 
  • The company image and its logo and what it stands for.  
  • Where are the premises and how well are they presented. 
  • How organised and efficient is the business in dealing with your enquiry and getting back to you when you have questions that need asking.
  • How accurate is the information that they send you?
How consistent are they at dealing with you regardless of the person that you are talking to each time you call or go into the office.
  • How confident are you at the information and advice that they provide for you ?
  • Is the range of products and services enough to keep you interested?
  • What is their track record at dealing with complaints? Are the reviews online favourable?
  • What do they do to exceed expectations rather than just meet them.
The Ultimate Travel Company regularly arrange holidays costing between £50k - £150k for UK families.  Would customers expect more or less from them?

The importance of customer service to the organisation  
  • What  do the selected businesses do to keep existing customers satisfied?
  • How do the selected businesses aim to increase customer loyalty? and secure that repeat business?
  •  What do the businesses do to enhance their image and create that competitive edge over the competition?
  • How do the selected businesses increase sales by attracting new customers?
  • What is the current level of customer service like in the chosen business.  What does their online reviews tell you currently and what are they doing about it?
  • What are the consequences of poor customer service to the chosen business?
The importance of customer service to the customer
  • Why does the chosen businesses need to meet and exceed individual customers needs?
  • How does the selected business support both their internal and external customers by keeping them in environments that are both safe and secure
The importance of customer service to the employees
  • Why do the selected businesses need to create a happy working environment?
  • How can the selected business ensure that job security is high?
  • How do the selected businesses ensure that job satisfaction is maintained and that the possibility of promotion is created?  
10 Facts about easy Jet
Easy Jet PLC
Annual Report & Accounts 2016
Staff development
Reviews from employees at Easy Jet
Customer Service reviews from Trust Pilot on Easy Jet
Customer Service reviews on Skytax on Easy Jet

Thomas Cook Key Facts and Figures
175 Years of Thomas Cook
Thomas Cook a brief history
Thomas Cook SkyTrax customer reviews
Thomas Cook Customer reviews on Trust Pilot
Thomas Cook customer reviews on Trip Advisor
Glassdoor - Thomas Cook Staff Retention
Thomas Cook training and staff development

What the exam board says...

The evidence for P1 must include an explanation of the importance of customer service to the organisation, to the customer and to the employee.

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