
Thursday, 19 October 2017

P2 M2 D1 Unit 4 Reliable and conssitent custoemr service

Dear Yr 11

Having looked at customer service and TWO different business examples you need to be able to identify the characteristics of what makes customer service 'consistent and reliable'.

To do this you need to research the theory into reliable and consistent customer service so that you can identify what guarantees success and then apply what you have found to your TWO businesses.

What does CONSISTENT mean? (and don't just say doing the same thing give a proper explanation with an example from your chosen business)

What does RELIABLE mean (and don't just say trustworthy give an example from your chosen business)

Last week we looked at behaviours and attitudes as well as processes and procedures, Which will ensure that an organisation will deliver great customer service.  Other areas to consider include:
  • Scope of an employees job role - can you expand on it to allow them to change and suggest improvements (TQM)
  • Knowledge of products and services - TRAINING
  • Type and quality of product or service - VALUE FOR MONEY
  • Staff attitude and behavior - hard to change so RECRUIT HIGH CALIBRE PEOPLE
  • Timing - approach customers at the right time - don't be a nuisance -  READ BODY LANGUAGE
  • Accessibility and availability -  STOCK CONTROL AND ORDERING
  • Meeting specific customer needs -  EAL, DISABLED, DEAF, BLIND
  • Working under pressure - PEAK TIMES
  • Confirming orders correct before processing and that it meets needs and expectations - COMMUNICATION SKILLS
  • Problem solving - OWNERSHIP and AUTHORITY and ACCOUNTABILITY & RESPONSIBILITY delegated to all
Now lets get a sub
The Distinction Challenge (D1) - Assess the effect of providing consistent and reliable customer service on the reputation of a selected business. 
  • Can I suggest that we focus on Gravetye and ill try to get Andrew Thomason in to talk to you about how you can secure a Distinction for this unit

Listen to the example of how 'Taxi Terry' delivers RELIABLE and CONSISTENT first class customer service here

The Pass challenge (P2) Over to you...
  1. Research what RATER means using the link below
  2. Using what you have learnt put this into your own words
  3. Then say how your two chosen business can apply this to their staff and teams to look after their customers
or in a nut shell you need to know the theory and understand the following acronym below


The Merit challenge (M2) - Explain how a business attempts to exceed its customer expectations.

  • What are customer expectations in Premiere Inn and Gravetye?
  • Why do we need to understand what customers expect?
  • Why do we need to meet or exceed these expectations?
  • What can a business do to ensure that it does e.g. look at the examples above if your stuck! 

The Distinction Challenge (D1) - Assess the effect of providing consistent and reliable customer service on the reputation of a selected business. 

  • Can I suggest that we focus on Gravetye and ill try to get Andrew Thomason in to talk to you about how you can secure a Distinction for this unit

Listen to the example of how 'Taxi Terry' delivers RELIABLE and CONSISTENT first class customer service here

Deadline for P2, M2 & D1 is Thursday 16th November 2017  Checklist here

Deadlines for the whole unit up to Easter are here

Web resources
Institute of Customer Service

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