Inspired by Sophie in Year 11U
Business plan for ImberChristmasMarket
- Sophie's letter to the head is here
- Her Business Plan is here
- Her Top Team sign up sheet for the top jobs is here
- Working planning document
Peter Jones from the Dragons Den has now decided to get behind this and has sponsored the start up costs through his Tycoon in School Foundation initiative so £1000 landed yesterday in the account that the schools has set up for the learners to make this idea a reality.
Also Coles Estate Agents have agreed to sponsor this event by advertising it throughout the town and have asked if we could move it to the high street in East Grinstead next year as part of the towns 'big reveal' so next years Christmas Market could include all schools and local businesses making the best Christmas Market East Grinstead has ever seen and maybe even like the German Markets or the ones in Birmingham !
Also the local East Grinstead branch of Rotary Club are hoping to bring their Christmas tree
Good luck Sophie and lets raise some money this year for great causes both in and out of Imberhorne, this year and every year as well as the profile of your nominated charity Fibromayalgia UK
Mr T
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