
Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Product Life Cycle - Have you got what it takes to extend a tired brand or launch something to prevent its DECLINE

Dear Year 11 here's to our 'Double Trouble' lesson for this week

Well can you keep up the pace?

Inspired by you I have stayed with the lesson outline  "to feed your hunger" for learning but don't think you can cherry pick the best bits you will be getting to enjoy it all. The a la carte comment means that you just get to pick the order !  Feel free to give me feedback on what you'd like more and less of as we grow!

Starter - A la carte
Who did the homework? Well I guess you can grab a coffee whilst the rest are doing there's
Quick recap before we do (A*-C)

Main Course (a la Carte)

Activity 1 - The outdoor classroom 

  • Product life cycle who knows what it is?
  • Who thinks they can explain it to everyone else with a piece of chalk and a print out?
  • Think of your favourite product and plot yourself on the line!
Activity 2 - Taking A* Class notes to secure my A* - subject knowledge theory from PowerPoint here and on student shared (Lesson 5 Product Life Cycle TTH) (A*-C)

Activity 3 - This weeks Saatchi & Saatchi Challenge.

  • In teams of 3 or 5
  • plan, prepare and present how you would GUARANTEE a successful launch of a
  • new product or a recovery of a declining one, or even extending your favourite brand (A*-C)

This weeks 'Exit Ticket' is the same as lasts...

  1. What was this lesson really all about?
  2. What did you learn in this lesson that will get you an A*?
  3. What do you want to know more about?
  4. What will you do with what you have learnt?
  5. What was your favourite three things about this lesson?
  6. The most important thing to remember from this lesson is?
  7. What will you do with what you have learnt from todays lesson?
  8. What will you do before next weeks lesson to get as much out of it as Liam?
  9. What would you change if I was to deliver it again next year?

Part A
Finish of your presentation to the class as it could be a multimillion pound business opportunity but will definitely be next weeks 60 seconds starter. As you were too slow to get this done in the double lesson we shared this week

Part B
WHATS NEXT FOR BMW & THE MINI? see the case study here and write your proposal for their extension strategy that will be able to run across all their range post the 1499GT here! Criteria for your report to make it supper easy is below.

  1. Do you suggest a slight change to the product to give it a fresh appeal and if so what would you do?
  2. Do you suggest bringing out a new version of the Mini and what is it?
  3. Do you suggest new uses for the Mini and if so what are they


  1. Does your extension strategy fit with their quality global brand and how?
  2. Do you suggest a change to the appearance, specification or combination of engine, body shape and trim?
  3. Do you suggest a method of making it more affordable without reducing the price?
  4. ue date 18th October 2017 P3 or BEFORE ! 
I hope you enjoy the lesson today as much as I did planning and facilitating it!

Until next week when we start with ...The product life cycle and cashflow

Mr T

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