Thursday, 7 September 2017

Friday 8th September is International Literacy Day

Good Morning Year 11 or should I call you the Class of 2018?

Well, this week went very quickly, didn't it.
You have not told me of any problems with timetables or anything else but do drop me a line if you need anything but well done for surviving the new routine after six weeks of having a different one.

Didn't you do well?  

We will see how well in tutor time when we review your achievement points and attendance for the week.  

Anyway, the title of this blog tells you what day it is today but do you know any interesting facts and figures about the state of literacy across the world.

The link here has been produced by UNESCO and will tell you more...  The Incheon declaration might also be worth a look as some of you could be contributing to it see here

Ted Talks

I have also included a very short video created by Ted Talks and presented by Ken Robinson talks about that switch that I suggested every young person has.  It might be worth a listen at bedtime and think about what your talent is before you think in more detail about your five-year Career Development Plan.  Anyway, I've attached it here This might inspire you to watch some other Ted Talks to ignite your interest in a SUPER CURRICULAR in the event that you do end up applying to a 'redbrick' university or Oxbridge!

Thought for the week

Is one career enough? It used to be when I was your age,  Click here and tell me what you think on Monday.

Digital Pencil Case
This weeks addition to your digital pencil case to connect up your learning is what I showed you in Tutor Time.  Why not give Grammerly a go.  I think you will be impressed!  You can access it for free on the Google App store through the Imberhorne G-Suite.  You just need a Google Account and your in.  Let me know what you think of it

And now for something completely different...
This weeks weird and wonderful WWW clip

Click here

Feel free to email your favourite clip to share with the tutor group before next Friday

Have a lovely weekend and well done for keeping up with yourself during the first week back

Mr T

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