
Wednesday, 27 January 2016

GCSE Year 10 Business Studies Controlled Assessment Research

Well done for not having to waste your time doing a resit because you did the revision and prepared well for the mock over the Crimbo holidays.

You now have one hour to do the following:

Task 1 - 30 mins 

Design your on-line questionnaire using your top 10 questions from the last lesson and your homework.

Remember that you want to find out what people want or need if the bike shop enterprise that your consulting on is to be a success!

Suggestion on how to carry out the task   
  1. Create a questionnaire based on the criteria suggested using google docs - forms by clicking here or survey monkey by clicking here
  2. You then need to survey an appropriate audience by sending the link to people that you think represent the target segments that we discussed in class
The advantage of using google docs or survey monkey is that it collects the data for you and automatically and turns it into a useful graph for you to analyse.

At some stage you will need to evaluate what the information is telling you but that can wait for another day.

Task 2 - 30 mins

You now have the opportunity to look at some secondary resources print screen and paste into a word document or print it off and put it in a folder.

Make a bullet point list of the top ten facts that you find that you think will help you make good recommendations to support Abdul in his bike business start up using the links below

think that should keep you busy for an hour

Good luck and enjoy and remember that an A* requires some classy research

Mr T

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