Friday, 15 May 2015

P4 Unit 4 - Evaluate an External Corporate Communication

Tesco pushed prices up on hundreds of products few weeks prior to £500 million price cutting campaign “Big Price Drop”,


The example above is clearly an old one from 2011 as we entered into a downturn in the economy.

You could use this or find a more up to date corporate communication and evaluate how effective it is or was.

If you do something more current you could carry out a SURVEY which seems the best way to deal with this.

  • External communications are anything that a business has designed to publish outside the company and it usually includes its corporate logo, branding details, strapline etc.
  • You will need to discuss the purpose of this publication and some analysis as to the thinking around its design and delivery.
  • Evaluation means - consider several options or argue for and against something and come to a conclusion about the value, worth, success, importance or impact that this has had and in this case for the company

Deadline: Wednesday 20th May 2015

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