Friday, 13 March 2015

Unit 4 P4 - Evaluate the external corporate communication of an existing product or service

P4  Evaluate the external corporate communications of an existing product or service

Find two examples of real external corporate communication from a selected business and
evaluate it as a means of corporate communication. This could be:
  • A Billboard
  • Bust Stop Advertisment
  • Banner on busses 
  • Taxi wrap
  • Social media
  • Current sponsorship
  • Online Newspapers but some of the best corporate communications can be found in the Sunday paper newspaper magazine.

Hints & Useful Resources
If you are still thinking about OSA dont!. Instead you could be looking outside the current organisation that we have studied and instead be looking at something more exciting instead:
  • Apple Watch
  • Samsung Galaxy 6S
  • BT Broadband
  • Brookes Engage
  • EE TV
  • Get Hard Movie Launch

In order to evaluate your two examples of external corporate communication you must review each and judge whether they are effective. To do this follows the stages below:

Stage 1
When reviewing each piece of corporate communication you should first describe what has been produced and how it has been presented and then state the intended audience i.e. parents, students etc. Include a copy of each piece of corporate communication.  Then assess something from all points of view:

  • Existing customers
  • Potential customers
  • Market / Critics
  • Competitors
  • Advertising agencies
  • Shareholders - will it excite them to buy more or upset them to offload their shares
  • Retailers - does it support their role in the distribution and sales of goods or services

Stage 2
In terms of judging whether each piece of corporate communication is effective you need to consider whether the presentation method used matches the needs of the intended audience. You could also make judgements with regards to:
-          Whether the examples follow the corporate guidelines as outlined in the Brand Book
-          The use and resolution of images p.133 & p.144 core text
-          Whether the communication supports non-English speakers p.133 see core text
-          The page layout – does the document have a consistent look and feel to other documents produced by the SA – consider use of logo, text size, colours and font style p.134 see core text
-          Whether the formatting of any text is appropriate p.134 core text
-          Whether any tables or graphs are used
-          Whether the right medium was used to present the communication

Stage 3

 . You should then form a conclusion and from this make suggest revisions for improvements