
Wednesday, 10 September 2014

P1 Assignment - identify the skills and qualities of TWO entrepreneurs that have made them successful

Good morning year 12

We will start by you sharing your homework with the group

Homework for Wednesday 10th September 2014
  • Identify at least TWO different entrepreneurs, that inspire and interest you about them and start to think about what skills and qualities they have which has made them successful.  I have attached a link here to see what the dragons are looking for as contestants enter the Den!.
Still not got it click here  Still not got it this is your last chance here

Last lesson we looked at the ANATOMY of the human body to describe some typical characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.

Today we will look at the KEY ENTERPRISE SKILLS that have allowed them to see success in every business that they do.  Your challenge is to apply this to a business context.

  • A 'can do' attitude 
  • Decision maker
  • Teamplayer / Teamworker
  • Clear communicator
  • Innovater
  • Creativity
  • Presntation skills
  • Resillient
  • Problem solver
  • Questioner
  • Understands business & finance
  • Personal drive to make things happen
  • Highly motivated
  • Ambitious
  • Independent worker 
  • Serial risk taker

P1 Task 1

Describe the mindset and skills needed by successful entrepreneurs to plan and run a business.

  1. Identify TWO entrepreneurs that inspire you and say why.This website may help you with this,  Research them and see how they got to where they are.
  2. Now write a paragraph about each entrepreneur.  What is their story.  What have they done? and how did they get to where they are today?
  3. Write your introduction - In this piece of work I will......
  4. Why did you pick this entrepreneur?
  5. What are they famous for?
  6. Describe their approach to risk
  7. Describe what skills they display from the list above
  8. When and how have they demonstrated these skills ?
  9. How have this skills contributed to their success ?
  10. Conclusion - This piece of work has allowed me to ...
The deadline for completing this work is end of Period two on Thursday 11th September 2014.  This piece of work can be done in powerpoint or word.

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