
Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Unit 18 Managing a Business Event

Dear All

I would like to propose the following unit for next September.  Click here

As you will soon be aware this is a very practical unit and one in which some of you may actually go off and make a career from in the future so getting good at it now might be something that you can put on your CV.

It is also something that you can get your head around over the summer holidays and will fit nicely in the time frame that we have between September and Christmas term.  Its also a unit where I think we should be able to guarantee a distinction for the entire class but then that will  down to how much effort you all put in as individuals and as a team.

I was hoping that we could have started the next unit now but the year 12 study leave has cost us valuable time so using the holiday will be a good way to take the pressure off the short year 13 which for you will finish at the end of May 2015.  This therefore leaves Christmas to Easter to do the second unit and Easter to the end of May to do the final unit so we need to use the time wisely next year to maximise your overall results at L3 

Let me know your thoughts so that I can start creating resources

Mr T

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