Friday, 18 July 2014

Applying for a job - CV and letter of application or completing an application form!

Good Morning year 12

When applying for a job you will always need to request the:

JOB DESCRIPTION  This gives you the 

  • details of the job role and 
  • the day to day tasks of the job
  • location of the job
  • hours you need to work per day or per week 5/7 - full time or part time
  • responsible for !
  • responsible to !
  • rate of pay and 
  • other responsibilities

PERSON SPECIFICATION  This is a list of the essential and desirable:

  • skills that you have
  • qualifications that you have
  • experience that you have
A template of a job description and personal specification can be found here

For those of you who have requested the above for a job role then that might be a place to start and think about to see what they look like.  Once you have read these you can then start to put the information that you wish to share about yourself so that you can get shortlisted for the interview.


Some organisations like schools will want you to fill in an online or written application form


Other jobs will expect you to send in a letter with a CV.  Today we will look at the application form and create a CV so that you have collated all the information about yourself to put on it.

This will be a very useful document for anyone looking to apply for a FULLTIME or PART TIME JOB in the future.

The following slide presentation maybe useful for refreshing your understanding about what goes into a CV and what a good or a bad one looks like! You can also download a blank template below if you are really stuck!

CV Writing                                                     CV Template

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