
Friday, 8 November 2013

Updates, advice and communications from Young Enterprise

Hi Team Young Enterprise

Calendar of Events
Here is the latest calendar of events from YE.  Make a note of the deadline dates for your diaries.

First competition is the 'Business Plan' challenge.  Get your finest writers behind this project so that you stand a chance of winning it.

Things to do
  • Please remember  that everyone needs to do there evaluations online this week as I want you all to get there end of course certificates! You wont get these if you don't and this is your last week I believe. - see me for username and passwords
  • You need to reserve your place at Cowley Trade Fair - see deadline date in link above.

Top Tips and Advice - (with regards to opening the bank account)

Young Enterprise don't need to open accounts in branch, they are processed centrally. The group will receive a pack from YE & they just follow instructions in pack.  

As I mentioned on the phone I don't get involved with school account opening so I don't know how the process works.  I have therefore checked our procedures manual, which states that the application form is included within the business kit.  If the form has been mislaid a copy should be obtained from YE (the HO details are given rather than a website).

The only identification and verification of address required is a YE Certificate of Incorporation.  The original should be taken with the application form to the branch so they can copy and send off with the application.  There is also a bank mandate which need to be completed.  I have printed and scanned here - you can ask your schools to print and complete, and take in with the account opening form.

The form is then sent to our processing centre to be opened.  So as I understand, even if they went to the branch they application would still be sent off.  Therefore it's probably a quicker process than waiting for an appointment.  Your schools may wish to take a copy of this e-mail so the procedures are outlined.  If they do this I would stress that any queries should be referred to a business specialist, and under no circumstances should account opening paperwork be sent to me at the commercial centre. 

Company programme training

Young Enterprise provide 'off the job training' for each aspect of the programme you have joined.  The Finance, Budgeting and Business Planning Seminar next Thursday 14th November from    4.00 – 5.15pm at Cherwell School.  Refreshments will be provided.

You will get the opportunity to learn how to use the accounts package on the Company Programme website so  please can I ask that you urge your 'top team' to attend. Everyone is welcome but it will be most useful for your MD, Company Secretary, Sales and Finance teams.  I will need to know numbers by Monday so that I can get you booked in

Team admin

Well done company secretary for getting the agenda out and managing the meeting. The company secretary should be compiling the weekly agenda every week and getting the meeting minutes / notes out to everyone with the actions attached soon after the meeting finishes every week

Insurance cover – Mandy will check with YES regarding the insurance about the product to be sold.

Great start, great team, well done one and all

Mr T

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