
Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Year 10 Controlled Assessment - Business Investigation - Indulge


to the 23 business investigators who made it to Indulge and asked their questions to the owner.The video of their interview can be found above.  The transcript of the interview can be found here

A sound recording of the year nine interview can be found here.

They do seem to have a clear target market and be making the most of social media or do they? But why are they not attracting more baby boomers in the afternoon? 

That said the puddings look fab but what can they do in addition to sell more of them between the hours of midday and 5pm seven days a week? Is their own recipe Italian Ice Cream 'Gelati' worth the £2 per scoop outside London?  Is promoting it to Oxford University really the best idea to sell more of it? or could they introduce their own range to sell in local shops and cafe's, hotels and restaurants  throughout Oxford? Their premises on the Cowley Road is really rather small and for most of the time not very busy.  Would they be better having a fleet of bicycles making it available to tourists around Oxford whatever the weather?


Good luck and enjoy
Mr T

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