
Friday, 9 November 2012

e-Safety when communicating on the internet

Hi Year 7

Well you are cordially invited to upload comments and work on your new class wiki.  
Click here and find your page!  

Can we add words and definitions under the heading 'ICT Vocabulary in Year 7' and include things like, 'blogs', 'Wiki', e-safety.  You can use the new books that we have purchased for you if this helps. Page 12 has some key words that you need to learn and understand.

Homework due in  today - e Safety
Having watched the video above create an e-safety list of things that you should always do or not do for safe use on the internet or when communicating electronically. This can be a bullet point list of rules of examples explained and illustrated with items from the news.

This will be a two minute self assessment on where you are nine weeks into the course and will be used for the report that goes home to your family at Christmas so be honest and as accurate as you can.

Activity 1The email relay race.  

  • You will be allocated to teams and each team captain will receive a message from me
  • The message needs to be forwarded to the next team member in the list but you need to add some text to the message you decide what.
  • The final person in  the list needs to forward their email to me and the first to do so wins.
Activity 2. - Wheres Klaus video and discussion -  who's responsible for keeping you safe?

Activity 3. - e-Safety advice sheet - four criteia to keep you safe. The core text will help pg 9-10
You may need to work in small groups to carry out this task.  Each member of the group suggesting a criteria and a way to test it.  You can present your advice sheet as a:
  • single word processed document, 
  • powerpoint slide or 
  • poster or even do a 
  • video clip or pod cast you decide 
Extension exercise
Try posting your poster to the class wiki along with your letter from last term.  You may need to accept the invite to loin the wiki that I emailed you last week before you can do this.

Revise key words and definitions that you posted to the wiki on page 12 of the core textbook.  You will be tested on them next lesson. They are blog, cyber bullying, digital footprint, e-safety, e-potfolio, forum, VLE, Moodle, netiquette, social networking site, wiki, acceptable use policy 

Good luck and enjoy

Mr T

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