
Wednesday, 5 September 2012

know how to access careers related information

Good morning year 13

You should have all completed a SWOT analysis of your personal strengths and weaknesses by now so feel free to let me have a look at it to see if its at the right level.  In period one today I will ask you to look at some of your personality traits in more detail.
I have created several activity tests and subscribed to software packages for you to use.  Focus on an activity that you have not completed before you re do an activity that you may have used at level 2.  Remember as human beings everything about us changes every seven years, our hair, our blood, our values and beleifs.  You will have changed a great deal already since you completed your GCSE's and start planning the next stage of your career: 
  1. Connexions Kudos - online
  2. Skills audit - written
  3. Personality test - online
  4. Self appraisal - see Mr T who will email you this document
  5. My PLTS profile - a new area for skills development in OSA see Mr T.
PLTS used in these activities -  Independent enquiry & effective participants

After completing the activities above, save your work as this will identify areas that will need development when you write P2. 

Next Step.
We are now in a position to start the task for P1 for this 'Development planning for a career in business unit who's first learning outcome is:

'Know how to access different sources and different types of career related information so that we can use it to develop your career plan for P2.  By now you will have probably identified a career pathway which is starting to appeal to you.  This career path with almost certainly have a professional body or association associated with it and it is a resource that should be keen to know more about.  Last week I posted some links as examples of the professional associations that exhist for the different professions.  Professionla associations maintain standards within an industry and members usually subscribe (pay) to be associated with them.  Mmebership is often available at different levels based on your qualifications and experience.

Professional Associations
What professional association relates to your career, what is required for you to gain membership, how much does memership cost, what services are made available through this memebership and what does your professional association provide in terms of ongoing training and development.
Trade Magazines and Newspapers
Each professional association will have their own publication and journal, which one relates to your chosen career?
Connexions at Oxford Spires Academy
Have you introduced yourself to the new team at OSA, made an appointment and ask how they can support the writing of your 'Career Development Plan'
Company career packs & graduate recruitment opportunities
Who are in the Times 100 list of graduate employers that you would consider working for? 
University Careers Services
Did you access any during your UCAS application process or do you still have to do this?
Career and recruitment fairs
When are the next career fairs in Oxford, they usually have one in the City Hall and Oxford Univerity, last year OEBP held a massive event at the Kassam.  Are these dates in your diary?
National Skills Academies
The previous government sent up National Skills cademies for each sector of industry. Is there one for you that could offer development opprtunites?
Internships and work experience?
Most of you will be competing with graduates who have left university several years before you for employment.  What voluntary work or internship can you demonstrate you have completed when you go for that first job or university interview.

The list above is not exhaustive and I look forward to seeing other sources of information that you discover as you carry out your research so that you can share these with the class next week.

Homework  / Coursework

Using the information from the above and your ongoing research  I would like to see a draft copy of P1 before our next lesson on 27th September 2011.  You can email it to me at before that date if you would like some feedback, further information or guidance.

Good luck and enjoy

Mr T

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