Monday, 23 July 2012

Summer school numeracy support - lesson 1

Hi Year 6 and welcome to summer school.

The resources below are designed to secure your understanding of maths and in particularly your multiplication tables.  The extra resources are things that you could access over the summer holidays to give you an even bigger head start and turn any weaknesses into strengths.

Lesson 1 Topic - 5 and 10 times tables

the multiplication rap click here

Main activity
Make up a dance to go along with the rap (based upon the words accompanying the song: finger, singing, floating chirping, railroad, bear, chicken, truck, pyramid, percent, bouncing, light)

Plenary 1 
Perform the dance to the video

Second activity
Write the rap song to the five times table

Plenary 2
Take turns to sing your raps

Lesson 2 Topic 2 times table

the Macarena Times Table click here to see the dance or here if you don't like that demo!

Main activity
right arm out                                                                1x3 =3
left hand out                                                                 2x3 =6
turn your right palm up                                                3x3 =9 
turn your left palm up                                                   4x3 =12
put your right arm on your upper left arm                  5x3 = 15
put your left arm on your upper right arm                  6x3 = 16
put your left hand behind your head                          7x3 =21
put your right hand behind your head                        8x3= 24
put your left hand on your right hip                             9x3 = 27
put your right hand on your left hip                           10x3 =30
put your right hand on your right buttock                 11x3 = 33
put your left hand on your left buttock                      12 x 3 =36
sway your hips in place for three beats
hop a quarter turn to the right and start over

Once threes are mastered see who can get furthest through the dance after doing it a few times together before we move onto 4 time's 6time's 7time's 8time's 9times's 11 time's and 12 time's

Main activity game
Lesson 2 Game - Balloon Race 1
Lesson 3 Game - Amazing numbers 3
Lesson 4 Game - Times and Divide Word search
Lesson 5 Game - Mad4maths6 time table table
Lesson 6 Game - Mad4maths7 time table game
Lesson 7 Game - Mad4maths8 time table game
Lesson 8 Game - Times table jigsaw

Plenary plus some games for those that wish to stretch and challenge yourselves
Times table test

Here are a few fun multiplication games:

These all come from this site:

This looks like another good page.  It mostly has little tests:

This has lots of games on too!

Here’s a couple of quiz busters ones too:

These all come from this site:

This looks like another good page.  It mostly has little tests:

This has lots of games on too!

You can also access mymaths at
username:  ocs
password:  circle

In September you will have your own account and be using this to do homework and develop your skills and knowledge 


Mr T

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