Monday, 21 May 2012

P3 - Setting my own business aims and objectives

Good morning year 9

Some of you could become entrepreneurs and will be
considering combining making money with other 
objectives.  Only today the government has requested
James Cahn of the dragons den to set up a business 
giving young people up to £2,500 to set up their own 
business.  Click here to read more 

P3 requires you to write aims and objectives for ONE 
selected business.  

This could be a business that you know has recently 
opened and has no aims and objectives or a business
that you know is being considered being launched 
through Business Link or Young Enterprise.  Click here 
and here.

How difficult does it have to be....

Attached is a worksheet to help you get going click here
Your own logo
Your aim for the business in its first year & why this aim is so important
Your objectives for the business that are driving this aim forwards
Your vision or mission statement that reflect your values and beliefs
Enjoy and do well - P4 may taker a little longer and I will 
email you the preparation for this later today so that you 
can get ready for starting it on Friday so that you can 
finish it over the half term holiday.

Good luck and enjoy

Mr T

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