Monday, 16 April 2012

Unit 2 Business Organisations

Good morning year 9
as promised today will be the term that we start our third and final unit.

You will now be expected to complete any old work in your own time, in the after school business clubs that we offer or in your registration period.

The benefit of doing this is that you will receive a BTEC level 2 Certificate in Business this summer before you start the GCSE two year programme in September

Biz Quiz return's click here

Starter - What are you aiming for?.  Download the document here and research the different organisations listed.  

Activity 1 
In small groups discuss what you have found out about the results of this task.  Where are you aiming?

Activity 2
Short or long term.  Click here to find this activity sheet. Discuss how you think that this might be different for the voluntary sector, co-operatives and the government.

The difference between AIMS & OBJECTIVES

Click here to take you to another blog page.  This will explain to you the difference between AIMS and OBJECTIVES.  You will also find some extension exercises here should you choose to use them for your assignment P1

Activity 3
The differences in VISION, MISSION STATEMENTS & each SECTOR can be understood by clicking here 

I have attached this units assignment here so that you can save it to your user area.  Remember the dates for each task help you to keep focused and stay ahead as you known its a horrible feeling when you fall behind.

Assignment for P1

·         Define what aims (mission statement) and objectives are using world class examples from different sectors of the economy and different voluntary, charity and more traditional for profit organisations. Business aims and objectives might be the same for a multinational company and a sole trader so be clear why they need to be simple to communicate and how we can test them for being ‘SMART’.  deadline date Wednesday 2nd May 2012

I have attached a template here for those who need help creating this work

An example of last years exemplar can be shown if you see me next lesson

Good luck and enjoy

Mr T

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