Wednesday, 7 March 2012

What methods of production can be introduced to allow a business to make more products more efficiently ?

Learning Outcome
  1. By the end of this session you should know what is meant by FLOW PRODUCTION
  2. The advantages and disadvantages of flow production techniques (Paper 2)
  3. The meaning of efficiency (Paper 2)
  4. Why Lean production techniques can be introduced to allow a business to produce more products more effectively  (Paper 2)
  5. What JUST IN TIME PRODUCTION represents !
First Task - testing previous knowledge (30% overall marks)

  • Paper 1 looked at two methods of production. What were they?
  • What do we mean by efficiency?
  • What do we mean by quality?
  • Why is quality important?
  • What is quality often associated with?
  • What are quality issues in production?

Task Two - Video clip BMW Mini

  • Think about how the factory may have changed since Rover days when 25,000 people made the same amount of cars that were all stocked up waiting to be sold and distributed.  Whats different today?

Task Three - revision theory notes flow production

  • What are the disadvantages of flow production
  • What are the advantages of flow production
  • How has efficiency improved since BMW introduced their methods, systems and procedures?
  • How effectively has BMW introduced specialisation of labour?
  • What are the benefits from specialisation of labour?
  • What do we mean by Just in Time?

Task Four

Produce a short drama piece and improvise the situation of a business introducing flow production.  The class will break up into Shareholders, managers, trade unions, staff, local community and the owner

Task Five

So you think your a 'Production Methods' Paper 1 expert why not test yourself here to see worksheet followed by the 'Productivity' worksheet Paper 1 before testing yourself on the Paper 2 worksheet on 'Lean Production' - click here

    Homework - 
    Revise like mad for Paper 2 on 28th May and use your weekly mentoring after school session to discuss topics and theories that you are still finding confusing.

    Complete the 9 mark question that I will email to you later this morning on production and remember where the marks are - 4 marks for EVALUATION - your opinion something new and 5 marks for ANALYSIS

    Good luck and Enjoy

    Mr T

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