Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Why do we need to motivate our staff?

What is motivation and how you keep your people wanting to wok hard for you?

HOMEWORK DUE IN - Worksheets on recruitment


Topic Test on recruitment click here

Learning Outcomes or
What you need to KNOW and UNDERSTAND for Paper 1
  • what is meant by the term 'motivation'
  • the benefit to a business in having motivated staff
  • the methods of motivation used by a small business See pages 90-96
Remember you have:
  1. the core text - 90-96
  2. each other to bounce your ideas and thinking on
  3. your online e-resources at http://my.dynamic-learning.co.uk/Default.aspx?cid=15451
  4. www.businessstudiesonline.com  go to activities, GCSE, AQA
TODAYS TASK - Finish below

Using the resources above complete: 
  1. the notetaker pack and TOPIC test here
  2. Now try this worksheet: Motivation here
  3. Now try this worksheet: Treating staff fairly here

Revise for key term test three on marketing - see resources here
Those who do not do this will be flagged up on the homework letter home from Mr Dixon

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