Thursday, 19 January 2012

Key Term Knowledge

Hi Year 10 & Year 11

Below is a set of five test and revision resources to support your KEY TERM TEST knowledge development.

Your recent mock papers suggested that you are writing far too much in explaining your answer when the use of the correct key term will allow you to write less.  As you only have 60 minutes to get the 60 marks this should help so revise for each by using the PDF and test yourself using the appropriate key term test:

Business Environment                  Revision Aid                 Test
Business Organisation                 Revision Aid                 Test
Marketing                                       Revision Aid                 Test
Finance                                          Revision Aid                 Test
People in Organisations              Revision Aid                 Test
Production                                     Revision Aid                 Test

Hope this helps in your preparation for the Resit of Paper 1 on the 10th January 2011

I have also enclosed some more visual resources for those of you who are currently around the C / D borderline that you might wish to look at to refresh your understanding of the concepts that you have not grasp in paper one.  Click here

Although this contains the lesson resources and lesson plan for the teacher you should with some thought be able to work out the message in each topic.  Let me know what you think and if you find it useful.

and finally don't forget to use the e-resources that you have available to you at:
and enter AQABUSGS for Paper 1  resources 
or enter    AQABUSGG for Paper 2 resources

Happy New Year, welcome back, Good luck and enjoy

Mr T

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