Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Why is choosing the right location so very importal

Learning Outcome
  1. By the end of this session you should know the factors influencing start up location decisions. (Paper 1 Resit)
  2. The importance of location for a growing business (Paper 2)
  3. Issues relating to overseas location (Paper 2)
First Task
Decide how you will underpin your knowledge for today's lesson - by doing so you are building your learning power.  You may choose to use a traditional text book as there is nothing wrong with that if your an auditory learner.  You might like to use the e-resources if your a visual learner or you might like to get a team of people together and collaborate your preparation and planning to create your best 9 mark article in the big task below if your a kinesthetic learner

Resources available 24/7

  • DoingBusinesswithMrT 
  • AQA Business Studies core text pg's 29-32 for Paper 1 theory
  • and pages 149 -151 for Paper 2 theoryor the e-resources that you have now started using online by clicking the link below:
  • why not try clicking on the link above and do the activities related to the e-book based on running a business from home - pg 56-57 for Paper 1 theory
  • running a business on an industrial estate pg 58-59 provides Paper 1 theory
  • the First Direct example in Chapter 5 pg 22-25 provides Paper 2 theory
Second task
Testing your own knowledge. So you think your a 'start up location' Paper 1 expert why not test yourself here to see worksheet

Third task.  
You might by now think that you are a paper two expert so why not see what yo know and identify what you don't know by:

Preparing for Paper 2
Location of a growing business - click here
Locating overseas - click here

Fourth and final task and Homework for those that don't finish it !
Part 1 (Paper 1 response)
  1. Using the raft of resources available to you in B4 you will create a one page article (less than 250 words) using the writing frame below to explain to Wahid and Aadil where they should locate their new business venture for the trial period leading up to Christmas within Oxford Spires Academy.  Your report should include the following:
  2. Introduction - Why is choosing the right location important? followed by
  • factors influencing the start up location to include:
  • potential locations, 
  • competitors, 
  • availability of supplies and storage, 
  • availability and cost of labour
  • transport links for deliveries and collection
  • technology 
  • costs 
Part 2 (Paper 2 response)

If Wahid and Aadil's business was to grow to be a UK wide supplier of vending machines like 'Coffee Nation' Why might they consider changing location rather than being based in OX4.  In a seperate 250 words discuss under the following headings:
  • What is the importance of location to a growing business.
  • Why might they not wish to move location if they had a national distribution.
  • Why might they need to relocate out of the OSA facility.
  • What are the advantages of locating overseas if they decided to buy and assemble their own vending machines.
  • Identify some disadvantages of locating overseas if most of their customers are UK based
Complete your 500 word account of 
'Why choosing the right business is so important to a start up business and why this location may need to change for a growing business along with the issues relating to an overseas location.'
Set 30th Nov 2011 Due to be handed in 1st December 2011

Extension exercises
Mock exam preparation.  I have booked you in for TWO paper one Mocks one will be on:
  • P5 Wednesday 7th December 2011 - 1 hour
  • P3 Thursday 8th December 2011 - 1 hour - sadly our lesson
You might start to identify what you don't know based on your summer exam result and your current performance.  P5 today might also be a great opportunity for most to complete their controlled assessment with their business mentor !

Good luck and Enjoy
Happy Wednesday
Mr T

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