Sunday, 25 September 2011

Unit 1 Business Purpose 'Supporting Local Business'

Good morning year 9

I am out of school today on a training course for GCSE Business Studies so can I ask that you taken the five businesses that you identified for course work and for each create a page of your magazine explaining the following:

  • What is the PURPOSE of the business (what does it do, has it got a profit focus or does it operate at cost or below cost)
  • Include a definition of the business type i.e. what is a sole trader, a partnership, a LTD company, a PLC and a charity.
  • What SCALE is the company operating on.  Is it LOCAL, REGIONAL, NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL.
  • What is the SIZE of your chosen company, is it SMALL (less than 100 employees, medium, or large, employing more than 250 employees.
I have created a writing frame to support those who need it just click here
Remember that you have a level 2 core text book, your own notes and access to click the link here if your own class notes are not substantial enough.

Rememeber this unit is to be completed by Christmas if we are to access a GCSE equivalent qualification in year 9. Click here for the assignment that covers the entire unit and the deadlines.

Good luck and enjoy.  Anything that you would like me to mark print and leave on my desk on your way out.

Mr T

PLTS being assesses today - Independent enquirer, self manager, confident individual.

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