Friday, 3 June 2011

Unit 4 People in Organisations - Creating a CV

Good Morning year 10 and welcome back.

For those of you who have completed your job description, people specification and job advert here's a little activity that will prepare you for application form filling both for this unit and in the future.

It will also be helpful for those of you looking to apply for a part time job.

The following slide presentation maybe useful for refreshing your understanding about what goes into a CV and what a good or a bad one looks like! You can also download a blank template below if you are really stuck!

CV Template

Good luck

Mr T


  1. Thanks for posting video. It help me to understand article in a better way.

    Cv Template

  2. ery valuable post, Simon! I absolutely agree with your tips. They are realy useful guide for everybody..Thanks!

    Aviation Cv
